AAP在旁遮普邦的补选中赢得了四个议会席位中的三个,这挑战了国会的控制权。 AAP won three out of four Punjab Assembly seats in by-elections, challenging Congress's grip.
在旁遮普邦最近的补选中,Aam Aadmi 党 (AAP) 赢得了四个议会席位中的三个,这标志着对国大党主导地位的重大挑战。 In recent by-elections in Punjab, the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) won three out of four Assembly seats, marking a significant challenge to the Congress party's dominance. Gidderbaha和Dera Baba Nanak的胜利特别引人注目,因为它们是长期持有的国会席位。 The victories in Gidderbaha and Dera Baba Nanak were particularly notable, as they were long-held Congress seats. 尽管巴纳拉是一个AAP的据点,但该党的总体表现在旁遮普省显示出越来越大的影响。 Despite losing Barnala, an AAP stronghold, the party's overall performance has shown expanding influence in Punjab. 人民党没有获得任何席位。 The BJP did not secure any seats. Gidderbaha的选民投票率最高,为81%,而其他选区的投票率在53%至63%之间。 Voter turnout was highest in Gidderbaha at 81%, while other constituencies saw turnouts between 53% and 63%.