伊朗最高领袖暗示德黑兰无人机和导弹袭击的影响微乎其微。 Iran's Supreme Leader implies minimal impact of Tehran's drone-and-missile attack.
伊朗最高领袖阿亚图拉阿里哈梅内伊在讲话中暗示,德黑兰最近对以色列发动的大规模无人机和导弹袭击影响甚微,但并没有庆祝其成功。 Iran's Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, implied that Tehran's recent massive drone-and-missile attack on Israel had minimal impact, without celebrating it as a success in his speech. 哈梅内伊声明的言外之意是,很少有导弹击中目标,伊朗和以色列之间的冲突和权力斗争仍在持续紧张。 The implication from Khamenei's statement suggests that few projectiles reached their intended targets, and the ongoing conflict and power struggle between Iran and Israel remain tense.