伊朗最高领袖赞扬武装部队首次对以色列发动直接攻击。 Iran's Supreme Leader praises armed forces for first-ever direct attack on Israel.
伊朗最高领袖阿里·哈梅内伊称赞该国武装部队首次直接攻击以色列取得“成功”。 Iran's Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei praised the country's armed forces for their "success" in their first-ever direct attack on Israel. 哈梅内伊在会见伊朗军事指挥官时表示,伊朗在这次行动中展示了其力量,并感谢伊朗武装部队的行动。 In a meeting with Iranian military commanders, Khamenei said that Iran demonstrated its power during the operation, thanking the country's armed forces for their actions. 这是自上周伊朗对以色列发动袭击以来,哈梅内伊在两国紧张局势加剧的情况下首次公开发表评论。 This marks the first public comments by Khamenei since Iran launched the attack on Israel last week, amid heightened tensions between the two countries.