俄勒冈州酒类和大麻委员会 (OLCC) 于 2022 年 9 月恢复了小型诱饵行动,以加强对未成年人销售的预防。 Oregon Liquor and Cannabis Commission (OLCC) resumed Minor Decoy Operations in September 2022 to enforce underage sales prevention.
俄勒冈州酒类和大麻委员会 (OLCC) 扩大了其小型诱饵行动,以确保酒类和大麻零售商不会向 21 岁以下的个人出售产品。 The Oregon Liquor and Cannabis Commission (OLCC) has expanded its Minor Decoy Operations to ensure that alcohol and cannabis retailers are not selling products to individuals under 21. 疫情期间,业务暂停,导致持牌人合规性下降。 The operations were paused during the pandemic, leading to a decline in licensee compliance. 自 2022 年 9 月恢复以来,大麻和酒精许可证持有者在合规工作方面都取得了进展。 Since their resumption in September 2022, both cannabis and alcohol licensees have made progress in their compliance efforts.