内布拉斯加州州巡警发现,18%的企业在最近的合规检查中向未成年人出售酒精而不进行身份检查。 Nebraska State Patrol found 18% of businesses sold alcohol to minors without ID checks during recent compliance checks.
内布拉斯加州巡警在四个县进行了酒类合规检查,检查了11家企业,包括便利商店、杂货店、餐馆、酒吧和酒类商店。 Nebraska State Patrol conducted alcohol compliance checks in four counties, inspecting 11 businesses including convenience stores, grocery stores, restaurants, bars, and liquor stores. 遵守率为82%,有两家企业向未成年人出售酒精而不检查身份。 The compliance rate was 82%, with two businesses selling alcohol to a minor without checking ID. 这些企业将报告给内布拉斯加州酒类管制委员会,办事员将受到引证。 These businesses will be reported to the Nebraska Liquor Control Commission, and clerks will face citations. 该项目通过SAMHSA由地区二人力资源处资助。 The project is funded by the Region II Human Services through SAMHSA.