在2024年10月27日,内布拉斯加州巡逻队在7家企业进行了酒精合规检查,其中2家企业失败,以及收到提名的职员. On Oct 27, 2024, Nebraska State Patrol conducted alcohol compliance checks at 7 businesses, 2 failed, and clerks receiving citations.
尼布拉斯加州巡逻队于2024年10月27日在丹迪,切斯和希奇科克县的七家企业进行了酒精合规检查. The Nebraska State Patrol conducted alcohol compliance checks on October 27, 2024, at seven businesses in Dundy, Chase, and Hitchcock counties. 包括必胜客和酒类商店在内的两家场所向未成年人出售酒类,合规率为 71%。 Two establishments, including a Pizza Hut and a liquor store, sold alcohol to minors, resulting in a 71% compliance rate. 这些企业被移交给内布拉斯加州酒类管制委员会,所涉办事员被引证。 These businesses were referred to the Nebraska Liquor Control Commission, and clerks involved received citations. 检查的目的是执行酒类销售条例,由地区二人力资源局资助。 The checks aimed to enforce alcohol sale regulations, funded by the Region II Human Services.