Tewksbury警官Dennis Kelleher在消防员到来之前从一处燃烧的房屋中救出三名居民。 Tewksbury officer Dennis Kelleher rescued three residents from a burning home before firefighters arrived.
Tewksbury警官Dennis Kelleher(Dennis Kelleher)因在星期五清晨从燃烧的家中救出三名居民而受到赞扬。 Tewksbury police officer Dennis Kelleher was commended for rescuing three residents from a burning home early Friday morning. 上午5时40分左右,Kelleher警官赶在消防员面前抵达,发现有浓烟和火焰,并被告知居民仍在里面。 Responding to a fire call at 36 Mohawk Drive around 5:40 a.m., Officer Kelleher arrived before firefighters, found heavy smoke and flames, and was told residents were still inside. 他找到了一个开着的后门,成功地在没有受伤的情况下疏散了无意识的睡眠居民。 By locating an open back door, he successfully evacuated the unaware, sleeping residents without injury. 火灾原因和损害程度仍然不明。 The cause of the fire and extent of damage are still unknown.