20 名“灭绝叛乱”活动人士因抗议马萨诸塞州贝德福德汉斯科姆机场拟建的私人飞机机库而被捕。 20 Extinction Rebellion activists arrested for protesting proposed private jet hangars' expansion at Hanscom airport in Bedford, Massachusetts.
周六,20 名气候活动人士在马萨诸塞州贝德福德汉斯科姆机场举行的抗议活动中被捕。 20 climate activists were arrested during a protest at Hanscom airport in Bedford, Massachusetts on Saturday. “灭绝叛乱”组织突破了安全警戒,闯入停机坪,抗议机场拟扩建 17 个新私人飞机机库的计划。 The Extinction Rebellion group breached a security perimeter, trespassing on the tarmac to protest against the proposed expansion of 17 new private jet hangars at the airport. 这些活动人士被指控非法侵入、扰乱治安以及其他可能相关的指控。 The activists were charged with trespassing, disorderly conduct and potentially other related charges.