格蕾塔·桑伯格 (Greta Thunberg) 加入范堡罗机场抗议活动的游行者行列。 Greta Thunberg joins marchers in Farnborough Airport protest.
格蕾塔·桑伯格 (Greta Thunberg) 参加了反对范堡罗机场扩建的抗议活动。 Greta Thunberg participated in a protest against an airport expansion at Farnborough Airport. 该机场计划将航班上限从每年 5 万架次增加到 7 万架次。 The airport plans to increase the cap on flights from 50,000 to 70,000 per year. 包括通贝里在内的抗议者呼吁全面禁止私人飞机,声称私人飞机的污染程度是客机的 30 倍。 Protesters, including Thunberg, called for a total ban on private jets, claiming they are up to 30 times more polluting than passenger airliners. 这次抗议活动是由“灭绝叛乱”韦弗利组织和博德斯组织的,示威者从范堡罗市中心游行到机场大门,点燃照明弹,鼓手也加入其中。 The protest was organized by Extinction Rebellion Waverley and Borders, with demonstrators marching from Farnborough town center to the airport gates, setting off flares and joined by drummers.