来自德国“上一代”的气候活动家停止了科隆/波恩机场的飞行作业,扰乱了其他机场,并呼吁各国政府签署《化石燃料条约》。 Climate activists from Germany's "Last Generation" halted flight operations at Cologne/Bonn Airport, disrupting other airports and calling for governments to sign the Fossil Fuel Treaty.
德国“上一代”运动团体的气候活动家暂时停止了科隆/波恩机场的飞行业务,扰乱了柏林、纽伦堡和斯图加特机场的交通。 Climate activists from Germany's "Last Generation" campaign group have temporarily halted flight operations at Cologne/Bonn Airport, disrupting traffic at Berlin, Nuremberg, and Stuttgart airports. 该团体已抗议三年, 呼吁各国政府签署《化石燃料条约》, 并立即采取行动应对气候变化, The group, who have been protesting for three years, has called on governments to sign the Fossil Fuel Treaty and take immediate action to address climate change. 活动人士在停机坪粘住自己,堵塞交通,导致航班延误和取消,德国主要政客呼吁改善机场保护措施。 The activists glued themselves to the tarmac to block traffic, resulting in flight delays and cancellations, and leading German politicians to call for improved airport protection measures.