AIXTRON 凭借其 G10 产品系列荣获德国创新奖,助力脱碳和数字化。 AIXTRON wins the German Innovation Award for their G10 product family, aiding decarbonization and digitization.
半导体沉积设备制造商 AIXTRON 凭借其 G10 产品系列荣获德国创新奖,该产品系列推动了对脱碳和数字化至关重要的节能设备和传感器的发展。 AIXTRON, a semiconductor deposition equipment manufacturer, wins the German Innovation Award for their G10 product family, advancing energy-efficient devices and sensors crucial for decarbonization and digitization. 在首席执行官 Felix Grawert 博士的领导下,他们的技术有助于扩大电动汽车续航里程、提高数据中心效率并改善数据通信基础设施。 Lead by CEO Dr. Felix Grawert, their technology contributes to electric vehicle range, efficient data centers, and improved data communications infrastructure. 该公司还获得了京东方华灿光电的“金牌供应商奖”。 The company also received a Gold Supplier Award from BOE HC SemiTek.