司机在尼亚加拉因未能通过两项旨在遏制酒后驾驶的 RIDE 检查而被指控。 Driver charged in Niagara after failing two RIDE checks aimed at curbing impaired driving.
在尼亚加拉,一名司机在一次RIDE( " 无处不在的驾驶不便 " )检查中两次被抓获后,在Niagara受到指控。 A driver was charged in Niagara after being caught twice in a RIDE (Reduce Impaired Driving Everywhere) check. 该方案旨在减少道路上残疾驾驶员的人数。 The program aims to reduce the number of impaired drivers on the roads. 没有提供有关具体收费或司机身份的进一步细节。 Further details about the specific charges or the driver's identity were not provided.