4 月 10 日,在州学院市 Hiester 街与 E. Beaver 街交界处,一名行人被一辆深色本田 CR-V 撞倒并逃逸。 On April 10, a pedestrian was hit by a dark-colored Honda CR-V at Hiester St. & E. Beaver Ave, State College, in a hit-and-run incident.
4 月 10 日,在州学院市希斯特街与 E. Beaver 大道交叉口处发生一起肇事逃逸事件,一辆深色本田 CR-V 撞倒了人行道上的一名行人。 On April 10, a hit-and-run incident occurred at the intersection of Hiester Street and E. Beaver Ave., State College, involving a dark-colored Honda CR-V striking a pedestrian in a crosswalk. 受害者在尼塔尼山医疗中心接受了治疗并出院。 The victim was treated at Mount Nittany Medical Center and released. 州学院警察局正在积极调查,并鼓励任何了解情况的人匿名联系他们。 State College Police are actively investigating and encourage anyone with information to contact them anonymously.