伊朗革命卫队在霍尔木兹海峡附近扣押了一艘与以色列有关的船只。 Iran's Revolutionary Guard seized an Israeli-affiliated ship near Strait of Hormuz.
伊朗革命卫队在霍尔木兹海峡附近扣押了一艘与以色列有关的集装箱船,加剧了两国之间的紧张局势。 Iran's Revolutionary Guard has seized an Israeli-affiliated container ship near the Strait of Hormuz, escalating tensions between the two countries. 这是中东国家之间发生的最新一起冲突,伊朗突击队员从直升机上速降到船只上。 Iranian commandos rappelled from a helicopter onto the vessel in the latest incident between the Middle Eastern nations. 这一行动是在该地区局势持续紧张的背景下采取的。 This action comes amid ongoing tensions in the region.