伊朗在阿曼湾扣押一艘油轮是引发该地区紧张局势的一系列事件中的最新一起。 Iran's seizure of an oil tanker in the Gulf of Oman is the latest in a series of incidents that have raised tensions in the region.
伊朗在阿曼湾发现了一艘去年被美国扣押的油轮。 An oil tanker that the US had taken last year has been found by Iran in the Gulf of Oman. 由于与伊朗核计划有关的制裁,美国于 9 月扣押了这艘油轮和伊朗石油。 The U.S. seized the oil tanker and Iranian oil in September as a result of sanctions pertaining to Iran's nuclear program. 也门胡塞叛军对红海航运进行了几个月的袭击,伊朗现在通过扣押同一艘油轮进行报复。 Following months of attacks on shipping in the Red Sea by Yemen's Houthi rebels, Iran has now retaliated by seizing the same tanker.