消费者事务调查将威斯康星州和伊利诺伊州列为美国道路状况最差的州之一。 Consumer Affairs survey ranks Wisconsin and Illinois among the US states with the worst roads.
消费者事务调查将威斯康星州和伊利诺伊州列为美国道路状况最差的州之一。 Consumer Affairs survey ranks Wisconsin and Illinois among the states with the worst roads in the US. 该调查根据四个主要因素对道路状况进行评估:状况较差、一般和良好的道路百分比;每英里机动车事故死亡率;每英里道路花费金额;以及车辆行驶里程。 The survey assessed road conditions based on 4 main factors: percentage of roads in poor, fair, and good condition; motor crash fatalities per mile; amount spent per mile of road; and vehicle miles traveled. 十大最差道路名单是根据路面粗糙度以及高速公路维护和安全预算得出的。 The top 10 worst roads list was based on pavement roughness and highway maintenance and safety budgets.