研究发现印第安纳州I-65、70、80/90、69、74和伊利诺伊州高速公路最担心冬季驾驶。 Study identifies Indiana's I-65, 70, 80/90, 69, 74 and Illinois highways as most feared for winter driving.
Gunther Volkswagen进行的一项研究调查了美国司机,并查明了最担心的冬季道路。 A study by Gunther Volkswagen surveyed US drivers and identified the most feared winter roads. 在印地安那州,由于积雪和具有挑战性的条件,65、70、80/90、69和74等州名列榜首。 In Indiana, Interstates 65, 70, 80/90, 69, and 74 topped the list due to snow drifting and challenging conditions. 包括I-94和I-57在内的五条伊利诺伊州高速公路也被列为冬季旅行最艰难的公路之一。 Five Illinois highways, including I-94 and I-57, were also named among the most daunting for winter travel. 这项研究强调车辆准备和谨慎驾驶对于确保安全的重要性。 The study emphasizes the importance of vehicle preparation and cautious driving to ensure safety.