威斯康辛州在道路状况方面名列美国前5名,28%的城市道路被评为贫穷。 Wisconsin ranks among the top 5 worst U.S. states for road conditions, with 28% of urban roads rated poor.
威斯康辛州是美国道路状况最差的5个州之一,28%的城市道路被评为粗糙,而农村道路为6%。 Wisconsin ranks among the top 5 worst states in the U.S. for road conditions, with 28% of urban roads rated poor for roughness, compared to 6% of rural roads. 消费者事务部的报告将美国交通部和居民调查的数据用于各州排名。 The report, from Consumer Affairs, uses data from the U.S. Department of Transportation and resident surveys to rank states. 威斯康星州居民对道路质量感到担忧, Wisconsin residents are concerned about the quality of their roads, though the state avoids the top three worst rankings overall.