美国对前苏里南总统鲍特瑟实施入境禁令。 US imposes entry ban on ex-Suriname President Bouterse .
美国对前苏里南总统德西·鲍特瑟及六名前军事官员实施入境禁令,原因是他们涉嫌在 20 世纪 80 年代参与对政治对手的法外处决。 The US has imposed an entry ban on former Surinamese President Desi Bouterse and six former military officials for their alleged involvement in extrajudicial killings of political opponents in the 1980s. 美国国务院表示,这些人和4名家庭成员一般没有资格进入美国,因为他们参与了所谓的“十二月谋杀案”。 The US State Department stated that these individuals and four family members are generally ineligible for entry into the United States, as they were involved in the so-called "December Murders." 鲍特瑟主宰苏里南政坛数十年,于 1980 年发动政变,并于 2020 年下台。 Bouterse, who dominated politics in Suriname for decades, led a coup in 1980 and left office in 2020. 五年前,他与其他六人因参与 1982 年谋杀 15 名政府主要批评者而被判有罪。 He and six others were convicted five years ago for their role in the 1982 murders of 15 leading government critics. 鲍特瑟被判处20年监禁,但今年1月他没有到监狱报到,引发国际追捕。 Bouterse was sentenced to 20 years in prison but did not report to prison in January this year, triggering an international manhunt.