苏里南前独裁者和总统Desi Bouterse于79岁去世, Desi Bouterse, Suriname's former dictator and president, died at 79, leaving a controversial legacy.
前军事独裁者和苏里南总统德西·布特塞在79岁去世。 Desi Bouterse, the former military dictator and president of Suriname, has died at 79. 他领导了1980年的政变,短暂统治,后于2010年再次当选总统,尽管他面临贩毒和谋杀的指控。 He led a 1980 coup, ruled briefly, and later returned as elected president in 2010 despite facing charges of drug trafficking and murder. Bouterse因1982年谋杀15名政治反对派而被定罪,但从未服完刑期。 Bouterse was convicted of murdering 15 political opponents in 1982 but never served his sentence. 他的遗产既有民粹主义的支持,也有侵犯人权的指控。 His legacy is marked by both populist support and accusations of human rights abuses.