德克萨斯州为 STAAR 测试引入了人工智能驱动的自动评分引擎,每年可节省 1500 万至 2000 万美元的人工评分费用。 Texas introduces AI-driven automated scoring engine for STAAR tests, saving $15-20M annually on human graders.
德克萨斯州将在今年的 STAAR 考试中为学生的书面答案引入人工智能驱动的“自动评分引擎”,每年可节省约 1500 万至 2000 万美元的人工评分费用。 Texas will introduce AI-driven "automated scoring engine" for student written answers on this year's STAAR tests, saving around $15-20 million annually on hiring human graders. 该人工智能技术将利用自然语言处理来评估阅读、写作、科学和社会研究等学科的开放式问题。 The AI technology, utilizing natural language processing, will evaluate open-ended questions in subjects like reading, writing, science, and social studies. 经过初步的 AI 评分后,大约 25% 的测试答案将由人工评分员审查。 Roughly 25% of test responses will be reviewed by human graders after initial AI grading.