Alinta Energy 首席执行官警告称,屋顶太阳能补贴和燃煤电厂关闭可能会导致澳大利亚家庭和企业的能源成本上升。 Alinta Energy CEO warns that rooftop solar subsidies and coal plant closures may lead to higher energy costs for Australian households and businesses.
Alinta Energy 首席执行官 Jeff Dimery 警告称,随着资本、劳动力和输电成本的上升,屋顶太阳能补贴和燃煤电厂关闭将导致澳大利亚家庭和企业的能源成本增加。 Alinta Energy CEO Jeff Dimery warns that rooftop solar subsidies and coal plant closures will lead to increased energy costs for Australian households and businesses, as capital, labor, and transmission costs rise. 迪梅里建议制定明确的公共政策、与家庭和政府建立合作伙伴关系,以及采取共同投资风力发电场或利用能源节省的资金进行替代等解决方案,以帮助减轻消费者的负担。 Dimery suggests clear public policy, partnerships with households and governments, and solutions such as co-investing in wind farms or replacements funded by energy savings to help alleviate the burden on consumers.