彼得伯勒监狱面临着人员流动、人员短缺、无家可归、过度拥挤、医疗保健不足以及非法物质等问题,一年内有 700 名囚犯因违反社区监督规则被召回。 Peterborough Prison faces staff turnover, shortages, homelessness, overcrowding, inadequate healthcare, and illicit substances, with 700 men recalled for breaking community supervision rules within a year.
彼得伯勒监狱面临着重大挑战,包括高员工流动率(1/3 无法值班)、员工短缺、释放囚犯缺乏住房支持(30% 无家可归)、过度拥挤、医疗保健不足以及容易获得非法物质。 Peterborough Prison faces significant challenges, including high staff turnover (1/3 unavailable for duty), staff shortages, lack of housing support for released prisoners (30% homeless), overcrowding, inadequate healthcare, and easy access to illicit substances. 最近的一份检查报告显示,该监狱的释放和安置程序受到了批评,一年内有 700 名男子因违反社区监督规则被召回监狱。 A recent inspection report revealed that the prison's release and resettlement process has been criticized, with 700 men recalled to prison within a year for breaking community supervision rules. 该报告还强调缺乏有关获释三个月后前囚犯无家可归状况的数据。 The report also highlighted a lack of data on the homeless status of former prisoners three months post-release.