爱尔兰当局从Cork附近一辆男子汽车上缴获了价值840 000欧元的涉嫌可卡因。 Irish authorities seized €840,000 worth of suspected cocaine from a man's vehicle near Cork.
一名30多岁的男子在爱尔兰科克被捕,当时有人从M8高速公路上的汽车上查获了价值840 000欧元的涉嫌可卡因。 A man in his 30s was arrested in Cork, Ireland, after €840,000 worth of suspected cocaine was seized from his vehicle on the M8 motorway. 逮捕是情报主导的行动的一部分,爱尔兰法医科学将对毒品进行分析。 The arrest was part of an intelligence-led operation, and the drugs will be analyzed by Forensic Science Ireland. 根据贩毒立法,嫌疑人被拘押。 The suspect is being held under drug trafficking legislation.