埃斯珀、博尔顿和彭斯等前特朗普政府官员反对特朗普可能的第三任期,并对民主和法治表示担忧。 Former Trump officials, including Esper, Bolton, and Pence, oppose his potential third term, expressing concerns over democracy and rule of law.
国防部长马克·埃斯珀、国家安全顾问约翰·博尔顿和副总统迈克·彭斯等前特朗普政府官员都是特朗普可能连任第三任期的最直言不讳的反对者。 Former Trump officials, including Defense Secretary Mark Esper, National Security Adviser John Bolton, and Vice President Mike Pence, are among the most vocal opponents of Trump's potential third term. 他们以对民主和法治的担忧为由,警告他不要重返权力。 They warn against his return to power, citing concerns over democracy and the rule of law. 这是现代史上前所未有的特殊情况,目睹其任内行为的前官员都表达了反对。 This marks a unique situation without precedent in the modern era, with former officials who witnessed his conduct in office voicing their opposition.