前总统特朗普在向共和党发表演讲时,不顾宪法限制,暗示要进行第三次竞选。 Former President Trump hinted at a third-term run, despite constitutional limits, during a speech to Republicans.
美国前总统唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)在对众议院共和党的演讲中开玩笑说要竞选第三任,尽管第22次修正案将总统任期限制在两届。 Former US President Donald Trump joked about running for a third term during a speech to House Republicans, despite the 22nd Amendment limiting presidents to two terms. 特朗普为"下一场比赛"筹集资金, 并暗示他是否有资格. Trump raised funds for a "next race" and suggested uncertainty about his eligibility. 一名共和党代表提出了一项修正《宪法》的法案,允许第三次连任,但该法案尚未取得进展。 A Republican representative introduced a bill to amend the Constitution to allow a third term, but it has not advanced. Trump也赞扬共和党的支持, 并讨论美国是否有必要更有效地与中国科技竞争。 Trump also praised the Republican Party’s support and discussed the need for the US to compete more effectively with Chinese tech.