脚部有刺痛、灼热、麻木感吗? 这可能是糖尿病前期的征兆。 Tingling, burning, numbness in your feet? It can be a sign of prediabetes.
数据显示,1.36 亿印度人(占总人口的 15.3%)处于糖尿病前期。 136 million Indians, or 15.3% of the population, are prediabetic, according to data. 这个阶段可以作为一个警告信号,预防糖尿病。 This stage can act as a warning sign and prevent diabetes. 海得拉巴的神经病学家苏迪尔·库马尔博士警告说,随着胰岛素水平升高,脚部刺痛、灼热、麻木和疼痛可能是糖尿病前期的征兆。 Dr. Sudhir Kumar, a Hyderabad-based neurologist, warns that tingling, burning, numbness, and pain in feet could be signs of prediabetes, as insulin levels rise. 如果不加以控制,糖尿病前期会增加心脏病、中风和其他严重疾病的风险。 If left unchecked, prediabetes can increase the risk of heart attack, stroke, and other serious illnesses.