研究发现,2型糖尿病的夜间症状,如同经常尿尿和头痛一样,正在恶化和扰乱睡眠。 Nighttime symptoms of type 2 diabetes, like frequent urination and headaches, are worsening and disrupting sleep, study finds.
根据最近的调查结果,2型糖尿病的夜间症状,如经常小便、醒来后头痛和口渴增加等,更为常见,在睡觉期间可能恶化。 Nighttime symptoms of type 2 diabetes, such as frequent urination, headaches upon waking, and increased thirst, are more common and may worsen during sleep, according to recent findings. 这些症状与高血糖水平有关,会干扰睡眠,并表明潜在的健康风险。 These symptoms, linked to high blood sugar levels, can disrupt sleep and indicate potential health risks. 其他疾病包括恶梦、无动于衷、不耐烦、皮肤炎热等。 Others include nightmares, restlessness, irritability, and clammy skin. 通过血液测试进行早期诊断至关重要,因为它能够防止心脏病和肾脏损伤等进一步并发症。 Early diagnosis through blood tests is crucial as it can prevent further complications like heart disease and kidney damage. 国民健康服务系统提供了一个“了解你的风险”工具,用以评估一个人发展这种风险的风险。 The NHS offers a "Know Your Risk" tool for assessing one's risk of developing the condition.