麦当劳购买 225 家以色列特许经营餐厅。 McDonald's purchases 225 Israeli franchise restaurants.
在以色列和哈马斯战争对麦当劳业务造成影响后,麦当劳在中东动荡局势下收购了其在以色列的 225 家特许经营餐厅。 McDonald's is purchasing its 225 Israeli franchise restaurants amid damage from the Middle East turmoil, after the Israel-Hamas war impacted its business. 这家快餐巨头宣布已与以色列连锁店 Alonyal 达成协议,收购该公司在以色列的麦当劳特许经营餐厅。 The fast food giant announced it had struck an agreement with Israeli franchise Alonyal to buy the firm's McDonald's franchise restaurants in the country. 麦当劳表示,“它将继续致力于以色列市场,并确保未来在市场上提供积极的员工和客户体验”。 McDonald's stated that it "remains committed to the Israeli market and to ensuring a positive employee and customer experience in the market going forward."