经过数月的僵持,弗林特教师工会和学校董事会批准了合同。 Flint teachers union, school board approve contract after months-long stalemate.
弗林特社区学校和弗林特教师联合会达成了临时劳工协议,避免了计划中的罢工。 Flint Community Schools and the United Teachers of Flint have reached a tentative labor agreement, averting a planned strike. 新合同解决了对工资和工作条件的担忧,旨在提高教师保留率,并将于 4 月 10 日的联合新闻发布会上公布。 The new contract addresses concerns over wages and working conditions, aims to improve teacher retention rates, and is set to be revealed in a joint press conference on April 10. 弗林特学校教育委员会以 7 比 0 的一致投票批准了拟议的合同。 The Flint School Board of Education approved the proposed contract in a unanimous vote of 7 to 0.