3月份,共有290万名乘客使用了都柏林和科克机场。 2.9 million passengers used Dublin and Cork airports in March.
3月份,有290万名旅客经过都柏林和科克机场,与去年同月相比,都柏林机场增加了9%,科克机场增加了25%。 2.9 million passengers travelled through Dublin and Cork airports in March, a 9% increase at Dublin Airport and a 25% increase at Cork Airport compared to the same month last year. 这一增长归因于圣帕特里克节庆祝活动和提前的复活节假期。 The growth is attributed to St. Patrick's Day festivities and an earlier Easter break. 都柏林机场迎来了 260 万名乘客,并开通了飞往纽约和波士顿的跨大西洋航线。 Dublin Airport welcomed 2.6 million passengers, with the starting of new transatlantic services to New York and Boston.