以色列军队伪装成妇女和医务人员,袭击了杰宁的伊本西纳医院。 Israeli forces, disguised as women and medics, raided Ibn Sina Hospital in Jenin.
以色列便衣部队乔装成妇女和医务人员,突袭了约旦河西岸杰宁的伊本西纳医院。 Israeli undercover forces raided the Ibn Sina Hospital in Jenin, West Bank, disguised as women and medical workers. 他们杀死了三名涉嫌利用该医院作为策划袭击藏身之处的巴勒斯坦武装分子。 They killed three Palestinian militants suspected of using the hospital as a hideout for planning attacks. 巴勒斯坦卫生部谴责这一行动,并呼吁国际社会向以色列军方施压,要求其停止在医院进行此类行动。 The Palestinian Health Ministry condemned the operation and called on the international community to pressure Israel's military to halt such operations in hospitals. 以色列声称,其中一名被杀的武装分子参与转移武器和弹药,以实施受哈马斯对以色列南部袭击的策划袭击。 Israel claimed that one of the killed militants was involved in transferring weapons and ammunition for a planned attack inspired by the Hamas assault on southern Israel. 这次行动标志着西岸医院内发生的第一起已知暗杀事件。 This operation marks the first known assassination inside a hospital in the West Bank. 巴勒斯坦方面谴责这次袭击,引发了人们对在持续暴力中保护医疗设施的担忧。 The Palestinian side condemns the raid, raising concerns about the protection of healthcare facilities amid ongoing violence.