编舞家塔法兹瓦·坦迪-钦戈诺 (Tafadzwa Tandi-Chingono) 为复活节呈现了根据圣母玛利亚的生活改编的全新舞剧《天堂玛丽女王:圣母经》。 Choreographer Tafadzwa Tandi-Chingono presents new dance opera drama "Mary Queen of Heaven: Theotokos" for Easter, based on the life of Virgin Mary.
受欢迎的编舞家兼极乐世界麦格纳舞蹈剧院导演塔法兹瓦·坦迪-钦戈诺 (Tafadzwa Tandi-Chingono) 为复活节呈现了一部新的舞剧《天堂玛丽女王:圣母玛利亚》,描绘了圣母玛利亚的生平故事。 Tafadzwa Tandi-Chingono, popular choreographer and ELYSIUM Magna Dance Theatre director, presents a new dance opera drama, Mary Queen of Heaven: Theotokos, for Easter, depicting the life story of the Virgin Mary. 这部作品被印迪称赞为他迄今为止最好的作品,包括舞蹈、歌曲、表演和台词。 The production, praised by Indi as his best yet, features choreography, song, acting, and spoken word. 该剧讲述了玛丽在复活节假期庆祝活动中作为耶稣母亲的视角。 The drama follows Mary's perspective as the mother of Jesus during the Easter holiday celebrations.