新奥尔良的高中生在路易斯安那州国会大厦表演戏剧“国会大厦计划”,以抗议反 LGBTQ+ 法案。 High school students in New Orleans perform play "The Capitol Project" at Louisiana's Capitol to protest anti-LGBTQ+ bills.
新奥尔良的高中生在路易斯安那州国会大厦表演了戏剧《国会大厦计划》,以抗议反 LGBTQ+ 的立法提案。 High school students in New Orleans performed a play "The Capitol Project" at Louisiana's Capitol to protest anti-LGBTQ+ legislative proposals. 这些法案通常被称为“不要说同性恋”法案,旨在规范学生的代词、浴室的使用以及课堂上有关性别和性行为的讨论。 The bills, often referred to as "Don't Say Gay" bills, aim to regulate students' pronouns, bathroom usage, and discussions of gender and sexuality in the classroom. 本杰明富兰克林高中的学生目睹了酷儿学生所面临的心理健康问题,他们希望这部戏剧能够激发人们的同情心,并提高人们对拟议立法对他们生活的影响的认识。 Students from Benjamin Franklin High School, who have witnessed the mental health struggles faced by queer students, hope the play can spark empathy and raise awareness of the proposed legislation's impact on their lives.