Tyler's Glass House 资源中心主办LGBT倡导培训, Tyler's Glass House Resource Center hosts LGBTQ+ advocacy training to teach engaging elected officials.
德克萨斯州泰勒的玻璃之家资源中心与德克萨斯平等组织举办了一次LGBTQ+倡导培训, The Glass House Resource Center in Tyler, Texas, held an LGBTQ+ advocacy training with Equality Texas to teach attendees how to effectively engage with elected officials. 讲习班为准备证词和书面信函提供了实用的提示,并提供了关于与代表的联系和影响立法的信息。 The workshop provided practical tips for preparing testimony and writing letters, as well as information on connecting with representatives and impacting legislation. 培训旨在增强青年和成年人倡导当地问题的能力。 The training aimed to empower youth and adults in advocating for local issues.