43 岁的加拿大冰壶冠军布拉德·古舒 (Brad Gushue) 曾赢得 2017 年世界冠军,他认为今年的男子世界冰壶锦标赛可能是他的最后一场锦标赛。 43-year-old Canadian curling champion Brad Gushue, who won the 2017 world title, views this year's men's world curling championship as potentially his last.
43岁的加拿大冰壶冠军布拉德·古舒(Brad Gushue)赢得了2017年世界冰壶锦标赛冠军,他将今年的男子冰壶世锦赛视为他的最后一届。 43-year-old Canadian curling champion Brad Gushue, who won the 2017 world title, is treating this year's men's world curling championships as if it could be his last. 古舒和他的团队击败了萨斯喀彻温省的迈克·麦克尤恩,赢得了布莱尔奖。 Gushue and his team won the Brier, defeating Saskatchewan's Mike McEwen. 锦标赛在瑞士沙夫豪森拉开帷幕,前六名球队晋级季后赛和半决赛,并于 4 月 7 日决出冠军。 The championship begins in Schaffhausen, Switzerland, with the top six teams advancing to the playoffs and semifinals, and the winner crowned on April 7.