瑞士滑雪运动员Thomas Tumler赢得了首个世界杯冠军, Swiss skier Thomas Tumler won his first World Cup title in giant slalom, edging Brazil's Braathen.
35岁的瑞士滑雪运动员Thomas Tumler首次赢得世界杯冠军, 35-year-old Swiss skier Thomas Tumler won his first World Cup title in the giant slalom at Beaver Creek, finishing ahead of Brazil's Lucas Pinheiro Braathen by 0.12 seconds. Tumler的获胜时间是2: 27. 60, 而Braathen的第二名决赛则标志着巴西有史以来第一个世界杯讲台。 Tumler's winning time was 2:27.60, while Braathen's second-place finish marked Brazil's first-ever World Cup podium. 斯洛文尼亚Zan Kranjec居第三位,时间为2:28.18。 Slovenian Zan Kranjec took third place with a time of 2:28.18.