加拿大的詹姆斯. 克劳福德赢得世界杯 下坡在Kitzbuehel, 加拿大自1983年以来第一次。 Canadian James Crawford wins World Cup downhill in Kitzbuehel, Canada's first since 1983.
加拿大滑雪运动员James Crawford在Kitzbuehel赢得了世界杯下坡赛,标志着加拿大42年来首次在著名的Streif课程上获胜。 Canadian skier James Crawford won the World Cup downhill race in Kitzbuehel, marking Canada's first victory in 42 years on the famous Streif course. 加拿大研究员Cameron Alexander获得第三位,这是自2012年以来两个加拿大人首次共享世界杯讲台。 Fellow Canadian Cameron Alexander secured third place, making it the first time two Canadians shared a World Cup podium since 2012. 瑞士的Alexis Monney排第二位。 Switzerland's Alexis Monney came in second. 这场以陡峭而富有挑战性的征程而闻名的比赛吸引了大约90,000名观众。 The race, known for its steep and challenging course, drew around 90,000 spectators.