在伊利诺伊州的古尔内,一辆校车撞上了一辆在错误的车道上的SUV;没有报告有人受伤。 In Gurnee, Illinois, a school bus hit an SUV that was in the wrong lane; no injuries reported.
星期四,一辆载有22名学生的校车在伊利诺伊州的Gurnee与一辆SUV相撞,一辆SUV由来自森林公园的一名34岁妇女驾驶,她误开错误的车道。 On Thursday, a school bus carrying 22 students in Gurnee, Illinois, collided with an SUV driven by a 34-year-old woman from Forest Park who mistakenly drove in the wrong lane. 巴士在被击中时左转,导致SUV翻转。 The bus was making a left turn when it was hit, causing the SUV to flip over. 尽管坠机事件严重,但没有人员受伤的报告。 Despite the severity of the crash, no injuries were reported. SUV司机被指为不当使用车道。 The SUV driver was cited for improper lane usage. 由于严重损坏,该公共汽车不得不拖走。 The bus had to be towed due to significant damage.