BBC 早餐天气主持人卡罗尔·柯克伍德 (Carol Kirkwood) 透露了她非常规的炸鱼薯条吃法,引发了争议。 BBC Breakfast weather presenter Carol Kirkwood sparks debate by revealing her unconventional fish and chips eating method.
BBC 早餐天气主播卡罗尔·柯克伍德因透露自己吃炸鱼和薯条的不寻常方式而引发争议——吃完鱼后,将干薯条浸入醋和少许盐中。 BBC Breakfast weather star Carol Kirkwood sparked controversy by revealing her unusual way of eating fish and chips - drowning dry chips in vinegar and a bit of salt after finishing the fish. 这次谈话的起因是土豆价格上涨以及记者尼娜·沃赫斯特 (Nina Warhurst) 对布莱克浦 (Blackpool) 一家炸鱼薯条店的访问。 The conversation was prompted by rising spud prices and a visit to a chippy in Blackpool by reporter Nina Warhurst. 观众们对她对食物的坦白意见不一,一些人表示震惊,而另一些人则为这种做法辩护。 Viewers were left divided on her food confession, with some expressing shock and others defending the practice.