飞机失去刹车,撞上塔拉霍马地区机场的围栏,无人受伤。 Airplane loses brakes, crashes into fence at Tullahoma Regional Airport, no injuries.
一架飞机在田纳西州塔拉霍马地区机场失去刹车控制后撞上了围栏。 An airplane crashed into a fence at Tullahoma Regional Airport, Tennessee after losing control of its brakes. 这架已经降落的飞机试图通过转弯避免与另一架飞机相撞,但却撞上了围栏,停在距离机场航站楼10英尺的地方。 The plane, which had landed, tried to avoid colliding with another aircraft by turning, but instead hit the fence and stopped 10 feet from the airport terminal. 美国联邦航空管理局正在调查这起事件,目前没有人员伤亡报告。 The Federal Aviation Administration is investigating the incident, and no injuries were reported.