欧盟委员会将在 2027 年为包括葡萄牙在内的 6 个成员国拨款 6 亿欧元,用于欧盟的 rescEU 文书,购买 12 架消防飞机。 European Commission allocates €600m for 12 firefighting aircraft in 2027 for 6 Member States, including Portugal, for the EU's rescEU instrument.
欧盟委员会已拨款 6 亿欧元购买 12 架新消防飞机,并将于 2027 年分发给包括葡萄牙在内的六个成员国。 The European Commission has allocated €600m for the acquisition of 12 new firefighting aircraft, to be distributed in 2027 among six Member States including Portugal. 这些飞机将成为欧盟救援工具的一部分,主要用于扑灭欧盟各地的野火,特别是在夏季。 These planes will be part of the EU's rescEU instrument, primarily used to fight wildfires across the EU, particularly during summer months. 救援欧盟使欧盟能够对严重的跨国紧急情况做出快速反应。 The rescEU allows the EU to respond quickly to serious transnational emergencies.