由于土地使用的变化和生境退化,肯尼亚维多利亚湖盆地的鸟类物种迅速减少。 Bird species decline rapidly in Kenya's Lake Victoria Basin due to land use changes and habitat degradation.
一项新的研究显示,在肯尼亚,特别是维多利亚湖盆地,由于土地使用的变化和生境退化,鸟类物种正在迅速消失。 A new study reveals bird species are disappearing rapidly in Kenya, especially in the Lake Victoria Basin, due to land use changes and habitat degradation. 这种生物多样性的丧失,包括稀有、受威胁或独特物种的丧失,已经令人震惊。 This loss of biodiversity, including rare, threatened, or unique species, has become alarming. 该研究强调,迫切需要保护鸟类生境免受农业和发展压力,并保护原始生境和恢复退化生境。 The study highlights the urgent need to protect bird habitats from agricultural and developmental pressures, and to preserve pristine habitats and restore degraded ones.