中国的鹊桥二号中继卫星进入环月轨道进行月球探测通信。 China's Queqiao-2 relay satellite enters circumlunar orbit for lunar probe communications.
据中国国家航天局称,中国的鹊桥二号中继卫星经过近月制动程序后,已成功进入绕月轨道。 China's Queqiao-2 relay satellite has successfully entered its circumlunar orbit after a near-moon braking procedure, according to China's National Space Administration. 卫星将调整高度和倾角进入绕月目标椭圆轨道,与嫦娥四号、嫦娥六号月球探测器进行通信试验。 The satellite will adjust its altitude and inclination to enter a target elliptical orbit around the moon, and carry out communications tests with lunar probes Chang'e-4 and Chang'e-6. 这是中国太空计划的关键一步。 This is a critical step in China's space program.