巴基斯坦的 ICUBE-Q 月球任务与中国的嫦娥六号探测器联合将于 5 月 3 日发射,用于收集月球样本并返回。 Pakistan's ICUBE-Q lunar mission, integrated with China's Chang'E6 probe, set to launch on May 3 for moon sample collection and return.
巴基斯坦历史性的月球探测任务 ICUBE-Q 由空间技术研究所 (IST) 开发,预计将于 5 月 3 日搭载中国嫦娥六号月球探测器从中国海南发射。 Pakistan's historic lunar mission, ICUBE-Q, developed by the Institute of Space Technology (IST), is set to launch on May 3 aboard China's Chang'E6 lunar probe from Hainan, China. ICUBE-Q搭载两台光学相机对月球表面进行成像,并与中国第六次月球探测任务嫦娥六号融为一体。 ICUBE-Q carries two optical cameras to image the lunar surface and has been integrated with Chang'e6, China's sixth lunar exploration mission. 嫦娥六号的目标是收集月球背面的样本并返回地球进行研究。 Chang'e6 aims to collect samples from the moon's far side and return to Earth for research. 此次发布会将在 IST 的网站和社交媒体平台上进行直播。 The launch will be streamed live on IST's website and social media platforms.