中国嫦娥六号月球探测器在月球背面升起旗帜,标志着中国月球探索和航天计划的里程碑。 China's Chang'e-6 lunar probe unfurled its flag on the moon's far side, marking a milestone in lunar exploration and advancing China's space program.
中国嫦娥六号月球探测器在月球背面成功升起五星红旗,标志着中国月球探索和航天事业发展的重要里程碑。 China's Chang'e-6 lunar probe successfully unfurled the country's flag on the moon's far side, marking a significant milestone in lunar exploration and advancing China's space program. 该任务于 5 月 3 日发射,收集了样本并展示了月球探索的进展。 The mission, launched on May 3, has collected samples and demonstrated advancements in lunar exploration. 这一成就标志着中国航天计划及其在月球和太空研究领域的持续努力进入新时代。 This accomplishment signals a new era for China's space program and their continued efforts in lunar and space research.