摩根士丹利和摩根大通的看跌策略师预测,如果盈利令人失望,美国股市涨势将停止。 Bearish strategists from Morgan Stanley and JPMorgan Chase predict a halt in the US stock rally if earnings disappoint.
摩根士丹利和摩根大通的华尔街看空策略师预计,如果公司盈利表现不佳,美国股市涨势将停止。 Wall Street's bearish strategists from Morgan Stanley and JPMorgan Chase foresee a halt in the US stock rally if company earnings prove underwhelming. 尽管标准普尔 500 指数创下历史新高,但利润前景却有所减弱。 Despite the S&P 500 reaching record highs, the outlook for profits has weakened. 摩根士丹利的迈克尔·威尔逊表示,过去五个月的股市上涨是由更宽松的金融状况和更高的估值推动的,而不是基本面的改善。 Equity gains in the last five months have been driven by easier financial conditions and higher valuations, rather than improving fundamentals, according to Morgan Stanley's Michael Wilson.