艾伯塔省的科学家建立了加拿大第一个大学中心,将气候变化的焦点从环境转移到人类健康。 Alberta scientists establish Canada's first university hub, shifting climate change focus from environment to human health.
阿尔伯塔省科学家组建了加拿大首个大学中心,将气候变化的关注点从环境问题转向对人类健康的威胁,强调每一个气候变化决定都是一个健康决定。 Alberta scientists form Canada's first university hub, shifting focus from climate change as an environmental issue to a threat to human health, emphasizing that every climate change decision is a health decision. 该中心由阿尔伯塔大学科学家 Sherilee Harper 领导,包括来自经济学和流行病学等不同学科的 30 多名同事。 The hub, led by University of Alberta scientist Sherilee Harper, includes 30+ colleagues from various disciplines, such as economics and epidemiology. 目的是提高人们对气候变化对公共卫生影响的认识。 The aim is to raise awareness about the impact of climate change on public health.