6000台旧比特币矿机被转移到科罗拉多斯普林斯进行升级并出售给海外买家。 6,000 old Bitcoin mining machines are moved to Colorado Springs for upgrading and sale to overseas buyers.
美国的 6,000 台旧比特币矿机正被转移到科罗拉多斯普林斯的一个仓库进行翻新,然后出售给寻求在低成本环境中挖矿获利的海外买家。 6,000 old Bitcoin mining machines in the US are being moved to a warehouse in Colorado Springs to be refreshed and sold to overseas buyers seeking to profit from mining in lower-cost environments. 批发商 SunnySide Digital 经营着 35,000 平方英尺的工厂。 The wholesaler, SunnySide Digital, operates a 35,000 sq. 在比特币区块链四年一次的重大更新(称为减半)之前,设施接收过时的机器,这将减少矿工的奖励,促使他们升级到更高效的技术。 ft. facility receiving outdated machines ahead of the Bitcoin blockchain's major quadrennial update, known as the halving, which will cut rewards for miners, prompting them to upgrade to more efficient technology.