采矿公司以1 428万美元的价格在埃塞俄比亚购置加密采矿设施和机器。 BIT Mining acquires crypto mining facilities and machines in Ethiopia for $14.28 million.
BIT Mining是一家加密货币采矿公司,正在埃塞俄比亚以1 428万美元购买51兆瓦的加密采矿数据中心和17 869台比特币采矿机器。 BIT Mining, a cryptocurrency mining company, is acquiring 51-megawatt crypto mining data centers and 17,869 Bitcoin mining machines in Ethiopia for $14.28 million. 这笔交易包括22.65亿美元现金付款和12.015亿美元A类股份。 The transaction includes a $2.265 million cash payment and $12.015 million in class A shares. 交易将分两个阶段完成,第一阶段将在本周末前移交35兆瓦数据中心和所有机器。 The deal will be completed in two phases, with the first phase transferring a 35-megawatt data center and all machines by the end of the week.